CBD Enhanced My Life

I have always been intrigued with Cannabis as a healing plant; then I tried CBD; my life changed .

Let me tell you something about CBD. Please bear with me if you’re already familiar. CBD stands for Cannabidiol. CBD is a compound found strongest in the hemp plant. The hemp plant produces a higher percentage of CBD than does the cannabis plant which produces high THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol). CBD is the non psycho-active component. It doesn’t get you high. What it does do is re-establishes the equilibrium in our bodies that has been out of sync for far too long.

Check out this article I came across on Pub Med National Library of Medicine; if you want to get all scientific, I highly recommend this read.

I understand there is a lot of skepticism at first when considering taking CBD. Will I get high? Will I have a bad reaction? Will it make my anxiety worse? These are all absolutely fair questions. Please let me clear up some of those worries for you, as CBD has changed and enhanced my life for the better.

So why CBD?

If you’re unaware, every single mammal has a system that we can think of like the central nervous system. It’s called the endocannabinoid system. This system has been neglected due to the beginning of pharmaceuticals and "Reefer Madness" propaganda circa, 1936. There is evidence that there are side-effects to having neglected this system for as long as we have. I know this because I know myself. I have Generalized Anxiety Disorder. Since I was 4 years old I would have anxiety attacks. I remember when my the attacks would last 20 minutes to half an hour, sometimes even longer and over the littlest things that are completely out of my control. A serious fear would rise inside me, my stomach would be in knots, my heart would race and palpitate. It was an uncomfortable agitation as the mind re-runs movies and there is nothing you can do; it’s almost inevitable for everything to fail. What a horrendous way to think. It’s not self-love, it’s loss of control, and a lack of training the mind. It’s also a chemical imbalance within our physiology.

I also just need to talk to my friends and family. Holy shit, every one is stressed out. They all suffer from anxiety, depression, chroinc pain; and they aren’t all that old. Some are on medication, others are trying to manage, but certainly not as good as they would like to be managing their problems. I have slowly been introducing them to CBD because I know what it’s like to not know where else to turn and not want to be on a plethora of pills.

I’ve been taking CBD since approximately early August, 2018, and it is now early 2019. I have tried Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) at the age of 18. CBT is behavioural modification which helps you learn what your anxiety is and where your triggers come from. It teaches you how to counter those triggers and then essentially, control them. I chose CBT over taking medications for my anxiety during this time. I have always been on the fence about taking pharmaceutical medication for anxiety because I do deep down believe that I have more power over my mind than I give myself credit for.

CBD helps me achieve a balance in my chemistry that grounds me.
I choose to take it every day because it dissolves my fears and daily stress. It also helps produces brain cells and improve cognitive functioning and ability. Concentration levels are up and distractions are down. CBD softens my periphery and that softness is essential for overall comfort of life.

CBD has proved to me that it can reduce the noise that’s in my mind (it’s usually never very clear). This noise is a series of voices, ones of negative influence and fear of situations that I cannot control.
CBD helps reduce inflammation in the body which is important for because I have a chronic pain inflammatory condition.

CBD has become a saviour.

My fight or flight response that has been on high alert now for just over 20 some odd years, has calmed down.
After the first couple of months taking CBD, I started noticing that my anxiety triggers weren’t such a bother like they used to be. The important thing was that I started noticing it.

The visions that my mind would create, now pass by like clouds in the sky.

I’ve heard that we become addicted to our own fears, and I myself have thought, "What if I no longer have these fears? Then I’m no longer going to be protecting myself because my subconscious is not looking out for me." Well f@ck that.
I was holding onto the wrong fears for far too long and I feel so much lighter not carrying around the weight of played up situations in my mind of things I have absolutely no control over.

If you or anyone you know has Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) I highly recommend they consider incorporating CBD into their daily routines.

Love, Earth Sprite.

Why Do I Use Essential Oils?

I use essential oils because they have changed the way I treat myself; literally. Essential oils have brought me to the study of holistic health and herbal remedies for overall wellness. Holistic health is about a continual maintenance of the mind and body.

I use essential oils because they have changed the way I treat myself; literally. Essential oils have brought me to the study of holistic health and herbal remedies for overall wellness. Holistic health is about a continual maintenance of the mind and body. It’s not an easy task to keep everything in balance, but it isn’t impossible. There are tools available to assist us in doing so like practicing Mindfulness, Yoga, Tai Chi, Ayurveda; but sometimes they come in the form of volatile, potent liquids made from the plants that mother nature has provided for us. When the body is given the right support, there is less cause for concern of future or recurring problems. With the tools just mentioned, combined with the knowledge and use of essential oils, I am finding my own balance of mind and body.

Emotional Stability and Physical Healing

Essential oils have incredible versatility. They not only treat one source, but simultaneously they treat and support others. Oils, properly combined create synergistic effects that can cleanse, ground, lift, balance and calm the central nervous system and the emotional body.

Everything is connected, from the tops of our heads, to the tips of our toes. Essential oils can help bridge the gap between our various body systems and create the whole body healing you hear about.

Aromatic use of essential oils stimulates the olfactory sense (our sense of smell) that is directly related to the brain; more or less associated with memory. Breathing essential oils in will help to reconfigure negative emotional patterns, or enhance the positive ones. Gaining knowledge on our emotional states is essential to our survival. Here is a brief list of what essential oils can do for balancing brain chemistry:

Cleanse negative memories
Reduce stress
Anxiety and tension
Offset mental fatigue
Uplift mood
Calm the central nervous system
Relax muscular tension
Induce restful sleep
Invigorate the senses
Increase feelings of courage and determination
Promote a cathartic effect (facilitating the release of stuck emotions)
Support DNA correction and expression

Feeling good both physically and mentally is vital to achieving overall wellness. Emotional wellness falls under being mentally sound. When moods are regulated, there are less swings and roller-coasters that turn worlds upside down and cause an excess of anxiety and depression, same time.

When you’re mentally sound, the body responds better to treatment. When stress and inflammation is low, the body has an easier time healing itself physically.


For those who are unfamiliar, mindfulness is the meditation practice of being in the present moment without judgement, just letting it be.

"Mindfulness is awareness that arises through paying attention, on purpose, in the present moment, non-judgementally.” -Jon Kabat-Zinn

Mindfulness comes from the Eastern side of well-being remedies. It is thousands of years old and will continue to be a timeless practice beloved by many. There is not enough time in the day to worry about the various circumstances of a future we cannot foretell. Beautiful moments pass by us because we are focused on everything but the present. By practicing mindfulness continually, consistently, we gain a stronger consciousness of ourselves moment to moment.

We are hardwired to avoid pain and pursue pleasure. It’s not our fault, it’s due to evolution and the current environments we find ourselves in. Essential oils are the safe way to receive pleasure and avoid pain. To take the minute it does to get out an oil and inhale it or apply it topically, it brings me to the current moment of relieving a discomfort I am experiencing.

There is a plethora of essential oils that are available, so the possibilities are pretty much endless for personalized treatment. If I’m listening to my body then I will treat it accordingly. Holistic health is about getting in touch with your whole self and retaining a mindset of prevention through education and a desire to be well.

I use oils topically, regularly. They get me in touch with my body seeing as you have to touch where it hurts. Sometimes that’s uncomfortable, but it’s also necessary to understanding your body and aiding it to heal.

I find keeping roller-bottles with special blends around my place helpful for ‘in sight, in mind’. If your oils aren’t around then why bother using them? I can find essential oils all over my apartment in various forms for personal use.

They remind me that less is more. Essential oils are powerful volatile liquids that are easily absorbed into the air when diffused for aromatherpy moments. They are able to penetrate deep into the cell membranes of our skin and treat the root cause of the condition.

Integrates into Western Medicine

Essential oils address the root causes when symptoms arise, by providing support directly at the source. They give individuals the power to take control of their health and get in touch with their bodies and minds.

Essential oils have taught me a lot already about my own body and even more about how to care for it properly when it’s out balance. Holistic health paired with the use of oils is a focus on the method of healing, repair and prevention at a much lesser cost than prescriptions and western treatments.

Traditional Western medicine revolves around the dollar; not the method.

What should be noted is that I have Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS, Type 1). I experience neuropathic pain daily. I am on medication called Cymbalta. It was recommended by my doctor at a pain management program I’m in. This medication is more commonly prescribed now for neuropathic pain, though it is also an anti-depressant and anti-anxiety. This is my first time ever being on medication like this.

The beauty of essential oils is that they create a positive habit of self-care rather than turning to a ‘quick fix’ which only covers up the problem with detrimental long term effects. I may have the same chronic pain in the same places, but after having educated myself on the proper use of oils, I know what other blends treat the same condition, so I don’t risk building up a tolerance. I want them to work when I need them.

When I experience discomfort even on medication, I can self-treat at the source with essential oils and I don’t have to worry I’m double-dosing or mixing up medications.

When I get sick, essential oils are my go to medicine. Since I am on Cymbalta, I don’t want to be taking cold and flu medicine too whenever I get a cold. Over-the-counter cold and flu medicine is hard on the liver and doesn’t always work the ways I want them too. This is where the synergy created between essential oils becomes realized.

When you’re sick, you have multiple symptoms and most medicines only treat a couple at a time. So, day-time pills, night-time pills and cough syrups are needed in a 24 hour period just to get through the day. Our bodies also need to learn how to fight off illness by getting sick. Cold and flu pills and syrups are one of those things that may clear up the problem for a period of time, but doesn’t solve the problem long term. The immune system needs to be supported in the right ways and these cold and flu medicines don’t aid in building up immunity to illness.

Over the last few years I’ve been trying to stay away from taking anything pharmaceutical and using more natural remedies for my ailments. By using essential oils I am able to treat each of my symptoms individually, but also safely at the same time. Little bits go a long way with essential oils. I’ll put a few drops of litsea and a couple of eucalyptus in the diffuser to help purify the air. I have a roller-bottle made with cinnamon, clove, lemon and grapefruit to help increase circulation and warm cold hands and feet. Peppermint can help cool the body down and soothe sinus headaches and pressure.


I have rid my home of chemical cleaning products and replaced them with essential oil mixes I make myself. It is super cost effective and much safer than off the shelf cleaning products. I don’t need a hazmat suit to clean the bathroom, anymore. I also have a cat with little paws that I’d rather not walk across a recently bleached floor.

We don’t need to destroy every single germ that lives in our homes. Actually, a lot of them are good for us. The less normal house germs we are exposed too, the easier and quicker we can get sick. This is where building up an immunity is important. We need to build up antibodies to fight off germs. We get those antibodies from being exposed to daily germs. If they are totally destroyed by a 99.99% effective cleaning solution, then the body has no germ base to get used too; thus, a weakened immune system and increased illness.

Household cleaners on the market are also very toxic to our environments; especially to our waters and what ends up in our landfills.

When did we forget that using vinegar and baking soda is good enough? These are tried and true household items that exfoliate dirt and grime and purifies surface germs. Having an understanding of essential oils and knowing that they are basically anti-everything: anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-fungal, antiseptic and so on; adding a few drops of lemon oil to your house cleaner of water and vinegar, a scrub with baking soda, you have a non-toxic multi-purpose cleaner solution.

General Body Maintenance

Going with the trend of removing toxic chemicals from my environment, I have gone the route of making my own facial toners and tonics, creams, body lotions, scrubs, and cleansers with natural ingredients.

I found I was spending a fortune on beauty and hygiene products at stores like Shoppers Drug Mart. I have admitted that I was a beauty product hoarder in my teenage years. I didn’t have rent to pay and I was working at a nice restaurant part-time while in high-school. I saved a lot of money but I’m sure I spent even more; mostly on hair-care, body-care and make-up products. I’m a little disturbed at how many products I did consume over those years. What is also disturbing is the fact that those products contain thousands of toxic chemicals hidden with the label, and those regulations are a mess. The FDA does not protect the people, these products only benefit the companies that manufacture these chemicals, and those that market them.

The products I make are specialized towards what my body needs; this reinforces a stronger relationship with my whole self on various levels.

I know exactly what has gone into my body-care products and I’ve made them specific towards my needs. I have different skin afflictions that need certain care and with essential oils, natural butters like shea and cocoa, hemp seed and aloe oil, witch hazel and aloe juice, I can treat them all effectively and safely.

I will see too it that my products will support your needs just as much as they support mine.

Rediscover Essential Oils

As a teenager, I had an obsession with hair products. It makes me feel sick when I think back to the amount of money I’d wasted for not a lot of gain. In truth, it was never necessary for me to purchase and use those products on my already nice natural long blonde (!) hair. I was enticed and coaxed into the trap just like every other teenage girl, adult woman, man and every other human on the planet that is privy to the consumer market. The only thing we have gained is altered DNA and an increase in the development of ailments that are killing us faster and faster.

Sprays; de-tanglers; straighteners; conditioners; de-frizzers and more, all sound different but remain full of the same toxic chemicals. If I knew then what I know now, I wouldn’t have wasted so much money on these life destroying products.

I’ve made a choice to change the way I interact with the products I consume and use. I’m increasingly aware of how unfortunate it is that most things we’re surrounded by are sneakily spreading diseases within our bodies like cancer, diabetes and various allergies. It makes me wonder, WHY??

A few people in suits decided to conduct a chemical-backed financial experiment and all of us would be the sample group. So, as depressing at that is, I have made the conscious decision to abstain as much as possible (despite living in a big city) from purchasing and consuming products that are toxic. I threw out the cleaning supplies underneath the sink and replaced them with simple cleaning products that I made at home with essential oils. I don’t need a hazmat suit to clean the bathroom anymore.

Regarding essential oils in particular, it’s crucial that you understand this; the majority of fragrance oils are synthetic and these aromas can be sold and labelled as essential oils.

With that being said, I invite you to educate yourself on the chemicals that are taking over our bodies via our media-manufactured compulsion to consume. I hope that you can see how detrimental it is and discover how freeing it can be to remove yourself from the toxic life by changing the way you interact with any and all products you come into contact with.

US Senate

With [USA] as Senator Markey and [FDA] as lobbyist, Mr. Landa.

[USA]: “If a company decided to include arsenic as a component of a face cream, would they even have to notify they FDA first?”
[FDA]: “Uh, it would not.”
[USA]: “If arsenic was used as a component of a fragrance would the company be required to list arsenic on the product label?”
[FDA]: “As a component of a fragrance it would not.”

This reinforces my concerns about the perfumes and creams that are sold in stores like Bath & Bodyworks. The aromas you smell in these products are written as fragrance on the ingredient list. Fragrance is not one single chemical compound; hiding underneath the name is hundreds of toxic chemicals. Companies like the ACC (American Chemical Council) are responsible for putting these chemicals in the products we buy without any real safety regulations.

This is a portion of what has inspired my mission to rediscover mother nature with the power of Essential Oils.

Essential oils are gaining respect and interest again in our mainstream health media. Many people forget that they have been around for a lot longer. My view is that plants come from the earth, so we must utilize them, because it’s what makes sense to me. Non-toxic life products are the way of the future. I think it is important that people remove themselves from the synthetic world and return to the natural things in life. I wish to guide people to return to their roots and rediscover mother nature in the most beautiful way.

Essential oils contain hundreds of unique compounds, providing complex and versatile abilities to combat threats without building up resistance, like the body would with pharmaceutical anti-biotics. The oils address issues at the root of the problem as they penetrate the body on a cellular level. Every single one of the compounds can be supportive to the multiple different body systems.

I want you, my followers, to walk away empowered and educated to utilize essential oils in your every day lives.